CMake Build System Options

This page gives a summary of CMake options that can be used with QUICK. Note that like all CMake options, these options are sticky. Once passed to CMake, they will remain set unless you set them to a different value (with -D), unset them (with -U), or delete the build directory.

General options

  • -DCOMPILER=<GNU|INTEL|AUTO>: Allows selection of the compiler toolchain to use. -DCOMPILER=AUTO enables default CMake behaviour.
  • -DENABLEF=TRUE: Enables the compilation of time consuming f functions in the ERI code of the CUDA version. Experimental.
  • -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=<Debug|Release>: Controls whether to build debug or release versions.
  • -DOPTIMIZE=<TRUE|FALSE>: Controls whether to enable compiler optimizations. On by default.
  • -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=<path>: Controls where QUICK will be installed. Default is /usr/local/bin/.
  • -DQUICK_DEBUG=TRUE: Compiles a debug version of QUICK with extra prints enabled.
  • -DQUICK_DEBUG_TIME=TRUE: Compiles a debug version of QUICK that reports more information on timing.

External library control

  • -DFORCE_INTERNAL_LIBS=blas: Forces use of the internal BLAS library even if a system one is available.
  • -DFORCE_DISABLE_LIBS=mkl: Disable use of system MKL to replace BLAS and LAPACK.
  • -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=<path>: Use the given path as a prefix where dependencies are installed. Libraries and headers will be searched for in <path>/lib and <path>/include.
  • -DMKL_HOME=<path>: Look for Intel MKL in the given directory. The environment variable MKL_HOME is also searched.
  • -DMAGMA=TRUE: Enable matrix diagonalization using Magma library in HIP/HIP-MPI version.
  • -DMAGMA_PATH=<path>: Look for Magma library in the given directory.

Parallel versions

By default QUICK will only build the serial version. This can be changed with these options:

  • -DMPI=TRUE: Also build MPI versions of all programs.
  • -DCUDA=TRUE: Also build CUDA versions of all programs. If both MPI and CUDA are active at the same time, CUDA MPI versions will additionally be built.
  • -DHIP=TRUE: Build HIP versions of all programs. If both MPI and HIP are active at the same time, HIP MPI versions will additionally be built.
  • -DQUICK_USER_ARCH=<kepler|maxwell|pascal|volta|turing|ampere|gfx906|gfx908|gfx90a>: Build CUDA/HIP code only for the given architecture. If not provided, the CUDA version will be compiled for multiple architectures based on the CUDA toolkit version, while the HIP version will be compiled for gfx908.
  • -DQUICK_VERBOSE_PTXAS=TRUE: Pass -v flag to ptxas to dump details about compiled functions in CUDA code.
  • -DHIP_TOOLKIT_ROOT_DIR=<path>: Path to ROCM installation where hip, rocBLAS, rocSolver etc. directories are located.

Note that the CUDA and HIP versions cannot be built at the same time.

Last updated by Madu Manathunga on 11/21/2022.